Soul Fire Productions and Heather Hillenbrand support people to have tough conversations with partners, kids, and teens about sex, sexuality, and relationships. The pleasure of sex is a birth rite to all humans. However, we have not been raised with open communication about sexuality. Without this knowledge and understanding, sex can become a misunderstood, feared, shameful, and at times - a traumatic experience. Soul Fire Productions intends to change that by creating tools children of all ages can use for their growth within this aspect of being human. Books, workshops, one on one sessions, speaking events, and more are offered to support sex education for all who seek it out.

I believe it is every person’s birth rite to have the knowledge, support, freedom, and understanding about sexuality. When I started my journey to heal my sexual identity, I had no idea how far it would take me. My whole life blossomed. Everything changed. I suddenly saw the world and my role in it as integral as opposed to disconnected. Where I felt ugly, I discovered I was beautiful. All the parts that didn’t make sense - the missing pieces, they came back to me. I was able to come out as bisexual. I am able to be more free and natural with who I am.
Through healing this part of myself, I realized everyone deserves the chance to heal. Our culture has not been set up to provide well-rounded, comprehensive sex education. Many parents feel unequipped as to what to say to their children as they mature sexually. Instead of positive messages about sex, it is often learned through fear, repression, suppression, and/or shame.
I have made it my life goal to provide sex education and support to parents, children, and adolescence. I also serve couples and individuals seeking to improve this aspect of their lives. As a Sex Educator, I hold a Human Sexuality Certificate from the University of Minnesota. I am also the author and illustrator of A Girl’s Magic. This is a book intended to support parents in the conversation about puberty with their girls. My passion is to open minds and hearts to the beauty of sex and sexuality. I serve a variety of alternative lifestyles including Kink, Polyamory, BDSM, LGB, and more. My journey is far from over and I look forward to the beauty of growing and serving children of all ages!